Cosmic Fish update news: August -> December
Hello everyone! And apologies for disappearing during the month of July but thank you for waiting! (I was going to make this into a blog post but I think this is easier for the lovely folks who visit)
On August 8 and 10, I will post a storyboard I worked on last month (more details in a bit).
Cosmic Fish will return on August 15 with a Gone Fishing 006 where we follow where we left off with Gallo, Hessa, and Bavel! Right after will be a super short comic in between, and then finally Chapter 9 which is the beginning of the end of the first part of the comic.
So lemme answer some questions, just in case:
Where were you in the month of July?
Well, funny thing, I was supposed to work on posting concept art, organize the QnA, and a few other things for the comic as a “break”, but I ended up contacting a well-known animation studio on an impulsive whim and instead spent the whole month getting portfolio critique/advice thanks to them. So I would wake up, work, eat, work, eat, sleep, and so on throughout the month on probably the toughest mentorship I’ve ever participated in (accidental or otherwise). It was completely unprompted but I came out a far better artist because of it. Unfortunately, it means I didn’t get the rest I was hoping for…
That being said, though, this is where one of the boards comes in, since it’s Cosmic Fish related, and I think you guys would enjoy it! So I’ll post the whole thing next week.
Halfway through the month, I participated in giving a few seminars/workshops for the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Natural Science on using comics as an accessible means for education.
At the end of the month, I was also working on some pitches and will be working on getting an agent for publishing other comics I have in mind.
This week, I’m using it to rest and organize myself for the incoming work.
So… I, unfortunately, had no time for anything outside of those three things.
Is the QnA going to happen?
I’d like to! I’m leaning toward letting people comment here or throughout the upcoming Gone Fishing and I will post the answers in the comment boxes here throughout the pages. I think it’s the only way I don’t overwhelm myself. So if you have questions on the characters, TO the characters, or of the world in general, ask away!
You said Cosmic Fish is entering the beginning of the end for part 1, what does that mean?
The main storyline is ways away, but imagine if these chapters are a first season or a movie. The storyline will wrap up and set things up for the next half but overall the goal is for this bit to feel like a stand-alone. Imagine the second half as a form of a sequel in the sense that it will elaborate on the main storyline but it isn’t anything like the previous story. I’m saying it now, it isn’t anything like the first half.
Are you going to make the books available sometime?
Man, that’s the dream. At the moment, I only publish locally because it’s very expensive to get these books printed and the idea of a Kickstarter scares me due to shipping. HOWEVER, I got accepted into MICE (an independent comic festival in Boston, Massachusetts) so if you’re in the area, stop by to say hi! I am aiming to have volumes 1 and 2 available there (I will make a formal announcement soon)
And that’s about as much as I have atm! Thanks again for always coming back and reading the story. It really is the way it is because of you guys’ support!