Ghosts are the mysterious entities that eventually manifest their own physical bodies, changing based on their best survival chances.


Our protagonist. She was exiled from her family due to an incident years ago. Now, she roams around causing mischief, stealing supplies, and causing trouble wherever she goes. Despite her dismissive attitude, her goal is trying to find and reunite with her friend, Ramus’.


The only ghost raised by humans. He disagrees with the ghost’s lifestyle (ie, stealing) but chooses to avoid most conflicts. If anything, he’ll chase any potential unaffiliated ghost or cuco away from the human town he resides in.


A mysterious self-proclaimed “Guardian of Ghosts”. His intentions and his alliance remain an annoying mystery to some, but it seems the other ghosts trust him enough to dismiss any doubts.


Part of the ghost family, they try their best to work as a mediator and leader by teaching ghosts how to be independent and maintain a positive attitude–even if it implies turning a blind eye on certain things.


Found by the ghost group, Bavel tends to keep to herself. Even if she can’t express herself too well, she’s very caring, mature, and has great gardening and sewing skills.


Acantha’s best friend. Like her, he left the group and lives out on his own. He’s a little pessimistic–although he prefers the word ‘realistic’–and is oftentimes found lost in thought. Regardless, he’s shown having good, if not a little drastic, intentions.


Existing since the first signs of life, the guardians maintain the cycle under their jurisdiction to extend the lifespan of the planet as best and efficient as possible. This also means they have no political affiliation and simply act to maintain order– although it is possible to sway or reason with them in some instances.


The Guardian of young souls that have unfortunately passed.

Because her role has always centered around aiding young souls in finding peace, she’s given herself the task to return the still formless ghosts to wherever they came from, and often takes the task to lecture or discipline the stranded ghosts in hopes that they don’t continue to change.


The Guardian of the waters.

She has a strong preference for creatures that dwell in her territory, and will often drown land-dwellers to feed her creatures. However, she has shown mercy to very few, lucky humans. Expectedly, she has a distaste for ghosts.


The Guardian of the dead. He’s powered by the souls not compatible with Bells/Raju. (As in, matured souls)

He has no care for the ghosts, although he’ll attempt to stop them by any means necessary if they’re considered dangerous. He’ll prioritize his role above all else…although he tends to be flexible if it involves Raju/Bells.


The Guardian of the skies.

He controls the weather which he can use to either punish or assist beings or guardians alike. His biggest weakness is his vanity and his pride. He doesn’t care much for ghosts, or any allegiance for that manner, but will be over-protective of his territory and possessions if need be.


The Guardian of nature.

He can manipulate plants and trees which he uses to maintain a healthy ecosystem. His real body is rarely seen as he covered himself head to toe with any fallen leaves in the hopes of appearing bigger.


The Guardian of the earth.

She piles herself with boulders and is thus called the ‘moving mountain’, traveling veeery slowly through the land. After Bells, she is the guardian with the most understanding of the ghosts. Afterall, some day they’ll decompose and feed the earth she protects. In her thoughts, it’s “considerate of them” to be able to do that.


Characters that don’t fit into any of the previous categories.


Creatures that have existed for as long as anyone can remember. They hide inside their rock-solid heads during the day, and creep around at night searching for easy meals.

Because of this, it’s common that they devour small animals, including children. And, for some reason, target unformed ghosts.


This odd rabbit-fish…thing appears to have the power to teleport to who knows where. According to Schnell, he seems to be a pet of a greater being. Despite his unknown origins, he seems to have some form of established friendship with Bells.


A traveling creature from a distant country, often called a mountain dragon or a catmeleon, that has become fascinated with human culture. He’s had a few run-ins with Acantha for better or worse and have begun to form a friendship. Also, he plays the piano, so that’s cool, I guess.


A tourist from the north. He ventured into Adaluxen right before the Tol Yago festival and witnessed the monster attack. Not much is known about him except that he has the rare ability to communicate with deputized guardians and claims he sympathizes with the ghosts.


A soul chosen by the Planetary Guardians to protect Adaluxen. His task as a Deputized Guardian involves maintaining a watchful eye in the city by using statues to see and communicate. Despite the privileged task, only reincarnated souls who had been granted guardianship in their previous cycle can actually hear him; and, being out of options, has chosen to bully Midah into service by asking him to be his voice.


Captain of the Monster Hunter chapter in Adaluxen. Her priority is the safety of the humans in Adaluxen and will do anything in her power to guarantee it. Despite being cold and rough toward Acantha because of their opposing statuses, she’s shown to be sympathetic toward others around her. Her mood is “tired but hopeful”.