Coming back

It’s been about a year and a half since the main comic updated and almost a year since Cosmic Fish updated regularly (there was an anniversary special released on the social media sites and Patreon)
When the pandemic started, I hit a huge depressive episode and work demand almost ground to a complete halt. I spent a lot of my free time practicing art, taking online classes, and diving into low-stress activities like tabletop RPGs. I did work on a few publications and some commercials, but nothing long-term. For months, all I felt was ashamed I couldn’t bring myself to get back to the comic and, as I mentioned on social media, no longer felt like it was something “mine”.
I think at most I needed a break to reground myself. Throughout 2021 I worked nonstop on new projects, including 3 upcoming films as an animator and/or storyboard artist, which is exciting! I also worked as an animator for educational science shows for homeschooled children during COVID’s peaks in 2021. I also worked on several projects, both good and bad, for many people but barely did anything for myself. And when I’d think about what was “for myself”, I’d think back on Cosmic Fish, and finally, I realized, it felt mine again.
When the contracts ended and I found myself alone again, I went back and fixed up a few pages to prepare them for print, colored “monster king”, had the site updated by a friend of mine, Viktor/Speedy, and wrote the script for Chapter 8. Last weekend, I made a limited release for physical copies of volume 2 for the holidays and participated in a few interviews (it went beyond well and was welcomed back with open arms and meeting old and new fans).
Needless to say, it’s good to be back. It’s good to look back at the work now that time has passed and slowly fall in love with it again. Chapter 8 is intense, and it really shows some nice reveals that make certain characters show their true colors. I’m excited about it and frankly, I want to get back to it.
I admit, it feels like it’s shouting excitedly at the void and might fall into deaf ears, but that’s exactly how we started, wasn’t it?
Posting will go back to normal soon, but for now, I already have a new Gone Fishing done and will be posted in the queue starting November 20th, on the comic’s anniversary. The site is polished too, and I’m hoping to drop the rest of the pages onto webtoons and tapas in due time.
For now, I hope everyone has been okay and doing the best on their journey. Again, I’m sorry for disappearing.